Stony Brook Southampton Marine Station Weather Station
Southampton Weather Station |
Date/Time: | 12/22/2024 2:22:02 AM |
Wind Speed: | 14 mph ( 12 kts) |
Wind Direction | from the NNW ( 333 o ) |
Wind Gust: | 28 mph ( 24 kts) |
Temperature: | 23.36o F ( -4.8o C) |
Feels like: | |
Dewpoint: | oF ( -17.777777777778 oC) |
Wind Chill: | oF ( -17.777777777778 oC) |
Relative Humidity: | 68 % |
Solar Radiation: | W/m2 |
Rain Today: | 0 in ( 0.0 mm) |
Barometric Pressure: | 30.2071229 in Hg (1022.93 mb) and |
Tide: | [no data] feet ([no data] meters) MSL |
Tide Maximum, last 24 hr: |