Current Weather Conditions
Stony Brook Weather Station |
Date/Time: | 3/28/2025 7:04:00 PM |
Temperature: | 59o F |
Relative Humidity: | 55 % |
Barometric Pressure: | 1030.82 in Hg (30.4401146 mb) |
Wind Speed: | 10.96081 mph ( 9.524683022722 kts) |
Wind Direction | from the W ( 267 o ) |
Wind Gust: | 23.04007 mph ( 20.021272476334 kts) |
Rain Today: | 0 in ( 0.0 mm) |
Rain Yesterday: | 0 in ( 0.0 mm) |

10.96081 mph from the W
Southampton Weather Station |
Date/Time: | 3/28/2025 7:03:57 PM |
Temperature: | 51.98o F ( 11.1o C) |
Feels like: | |
Relative Humidity: | 85 % |
Barometric Pressure: | 30.2469884 in Hg (1024.28 mb) |
Wind Speed: | 10.96081 mph ( 9.524683022722 kts) |
Wind Direction | from the WSW ( 241 o ) |
Wind Gust: | 21.92162 mph ( 19.049366045444 kts) |
Rain Today: | 0 in ( 0.0 mm) |
Feels like

10.96081 mph from the WSW