Stony Brook University Weather Station at Lot 40 (South P)
Stony Brook Weather Station |
Date/Time: | 12/22/2024 8:25:29 AM GMT |
Temperature: | 18.86o F |
Feels like: | |
Relative Humidity: | 65 % |
Barometric Pressure: | 30.53 in Hg (1034 mb) |
Wind Speed: | 15 mph ( 13 kts) |
Wind Direction | from the NW ( 306 o ) |
Wind Gust: | 31 mph ( 27 kts) |
Wind Chill: | 4.76 oF ( -15.13 oC) |
Dewpoint: | 9.08 oF ( -12.73 oC) |
Rain Today: | 0 in ( 0.0 mm) |
14.98723 mph from the NW
Sunrise: 07:12 AM EST
Sunset: 04:29 PM EST
CWOP Reports: South P